
SKU: N/A Category:

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Delivery methods:    classroom only

Group Size:                 limited up to 14 students

Language:                  polish

Taking the Exam
Exams will be held starting at 11:00 AM in the Zephirius building (4th floor) at GTC or on the LOTAMS premises.
In the examination room, aside from your identification, a pen, and tests on the desks, nothing else can be placed.
After completing the exam, the filled-out test must be submitted to the examiner.

End of Examination
Upon completion of the exam, candidates are obligated to vacate their stations in the examination room and the training infrastructure as quickly as possible.
Information regarding the exam results will be provided either by phone or email after verifying identification details

Duration of exam:


Category B1:   40 multi-choice and 1 essay question.          Time allowed 50 minutes plus 20 minutes.

Category B2:   40 multi-choice and 1 essay question.          Time allowed 50 minutes plus 20 minutes.


10.1 Regulatory Framework

  • Role of the International Civil Aviation Organisation;
  • Role of the European Commission;
  • Role of EASA;
  • Role of the Member States and National Aviation Authorities;
  • Regulations (EU) 2018/1139, Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and Regulation (EU) No 376/2014;
  • Relation between the various Annexes (Parts) of Regulation (EU) No 748/2012, Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 and Regulation (EU) No 965/2012


10.2 Certifying Staff — Maintenance

  • Detailed understanding of Part-66.


10.3 Approved Maintenance Organisations

  • Detailed understanding of Part-145 and Part-M Subpart F.


10.4 Air operations

  • General understanding of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012;
  • Air Operators Certificates;
  • Operator's responsibilities, in particular regarding continuing airworthiness and maintenance;
  • Aircraft Maintenance Programme;
  • MEL//CDL;
  • Documents to be carried on board;
  • Aircraft placarding (markings).

10.5 Certification of aircraft, parts and appliances

(a) General

  • General understanding of Part 21 and EASA certification specifications CS-23, 25, 27, 29.

(b) Documents

  • Certificate of Airworthiness; restricted certificates of airworthiness and permit to fly;
  • Certificate of Registration;
  • Noise Certificate;
  • Weight Schedule;
  • Radio Station Licence and Approval.


10.6 Continuing airworthiness

  • Detailed understanding of Part 21 provisions related to continuing airworthiness;
  • Detailed understanding of Part-M.


10.7 Applicable National and International Requirements for (if not superseded by EU requirements).


  • Maintenance Programmes, Maintenance checks and inspections;
  • Airworthiness Directives;
  • Service Bulletins, manufacturers service information;
  • Modifications and repairs;
  • Maintenance documentation: maintenance manuals, structural repair manual, illustrated parts catalogue, etc.;
  • Only for A to B2 licences:
  • Master Minimum Equipment Lists, Minimum Equipment List, Dispatch Deviation Lists;


  • Continuing airworthiness;
  • Minimum equipment requirements — Test flights;
  • Only for B1 and B2 licences:
  • ETOPS, maintenance and dispatch requirements;
  • All Weather Operations, Category 2/3 operations.


Who should attend: 

  • Technical personnel in aircraft maintenance or engineering.


  • EASA Part 66 (APPENDIX TO ANNEX III) / EASA Part 147


  • A background in commercial aviation together with a general awareness of the regulatory
    is an advantage.

Exam completion Standard:

  • Exam pass mark: minimum 75%.
  • Exam type:        multiple-choice questions.


  • Certificate of recognition.



Additional information

Date picker

03.10.2024 B1/B2, 04.01.2024 B1/B2, 05.09.2024 B1/B2, 09.07.2024 B1/B2, 12.03.2024 B1/B2, 14.05.2024 B1/B2, 15.02.2024 B1/B2, 19.12.2024 B1/B2, 21.11.2024 B1/B2, 22.08.2024 B1/B2, 25.06.2024 B1/B2